LAVA GLASS FOR GAS FIRE PIT: Bond's lava glass adds a unique veneer of brilliance to any common fire pit. One container is designed to cover two square feet
FIRE PIT ROCKS: Turn the fire pit or fireplace into a sparkling showpiece with Mini Lava Glass from Bond Manufacturing. They provide a beautiful alternative to boring wood or coal fillers, and they're engineered to withstand normal use of both indoor and outdoor fireplaces.
LAVA ROCK FIRE PIT: Use only one of the gorgeous colors for a uniform approach to the space, or mix and match colors for an exotic touch that can turn any fire pit into the focal point of your home or backyard.
FIREPLACE GLASS ROCKS AVAILABILITY COLORS: Lava glass is available in various colors - Amber Sunset, Bodega Blue, Crystal Cove.
FIRE PIT GLASS BEADS: It has protective qualities of Heat-resistant and Weather-resistant. It is replacement for ceramic logs.
OUTDOOR & INDOOR: Can be used for both indoor and outdoor gas fireplaces.